Paws Saved

Toula – Female DSH Tortie 2 Years – adopted 9/7/23


Meet two year old Toula, she and her two babies, Sven and Turtle Dove were found abandoned at Mt. Charleston during the recent flooding. They were soaking wet and covered in mud. After not being able to locate the owners, they came to FUPI and are thriving! Toula is a social gal and very beautiful.

Toula – Female DSH Tortie 2 Years – adopted 9/7/232023-09-07T13:21:48-07:00

Sam – Male DSH 12 Weeks


This is 12 week old Sam. He is a gorgeous white and orange kitten.  He enjoys spending time with his siblings and chasing  his crinkle ball toys .  He has the most intriguing orange markings. He has the perfect amount of energy and will keep you entertained for hours.

Sam – Male DSH 12 Weeks2023-09-02T19:36:03-07:00

Oreo – Male DSH 1 Year 3 Months


Meet one year old Oreo, what a story...abandoned by previous owner outside his apartment, then when the finder tried to help, he took his the two cats and dumped them at Banfield Vet Hospital, they in turn called Animal Control, who picked them and took them to The Animal Foundation. The finder, who is AMAZING!,

Oreo – Male DSH 1 Year 3 Months2023-09-06T07:09:17-07:00
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