SUPER SWEET SENIOR ALERT! If you have your heart set on adopting a senior, but keep talking yourself out of it, wondering if you could really do it, then finding Kitty Tux may have been meant to be. Kitty Tux is a 12 year old girl rescued from being dumped outside. She was having a hard time trying to fend for herself after already surviving what the vet believes was an old eye injury, causing limited vision in her right eye. This doesn’t stop Kitty Tux from getting around just fine, though she can get spooked from fast movements on her right side since she can’t see it coming. Kitty Tux recently had a dental and is looking for a quiet home where she can be a faithful companion. This is where you come in. Adopting a senior is truly the greatest gift you can give a little orphan girl like Kitty Tux. As a senior, Kitty Tux thrives on the simple things in life; a safe home, a warm bed and blanket to snuggle in and someone to sit beside on the couch. Giving Kitty Tux the peace of mind knowing she now has a family for the rest of her days- no matter how long or how short- is priceless. The beauty of rescuing a senior is they ask for so very little but give everything in return. They somehow know that of all the kittens and young adults out there, that you still chose them, and for that, they are so grateful. You’ll watch them blossom from the fear, sadness and despair of losing everything and having to start over as a senior to those long sighs and deep breaths as they begin sleeping without worry. While you’ll never know your senior’s life story, you will be the one to create new and long-lasting memories for them. You will be their last and final home, showing them what a loving commitment for forever really looks like. Kitty Tux is ready and waiting to make that loving commitment to you. She is spayed, vaccinated and microchipped with an adopt fee of $75. If interested, submit an application at