Hi, my name is Lynyrd and at only 4 months old, my favorite pastime is playing! When I wear myself out, I’ll climb up your pant leg for snuggles and naptime. It’s true what they say, I’m fearless and run like the wind; I’d swing from the rafters if I could jump that high. I’ve jumped in the sink to “help” with dishes, tried to taste pumpkin spice coffee thinking I could help myself, and don’t understand privacy so I’ll be joining you when you get ready in the morning! My curiosity makes me a door-dasher so I need a family who will keep me safe inside with reminders I can only look out windows. I’ve never met a stranger and quickly bond, making myself at home and befriending other cats. I even taught a kitten how to play! I’m neutered, vaccinated and microchipped with an adopt fee of $195.00. Please submit an application at https://forecloseduponpets.org/cat-adoption-application/