Need Help?
We understand that from time to time people will fall on hard times. We are here to help you and your pet. If you would like to contact us about an animal that needs to be placed in foster care, we invite you to fill out the following form.
Please read all the requirements below prior to submitting for an intake.
We cannot accept cats immediately or sight unseen, and we do not pick cats up from you. If you are unable to make arrangements to keep the cat until we have space, or adhere to any of our requirements, please seek out another rescue who may be able to help.
Before contacting us, please take any stray cats to a vet to be scanned for a microchip. If the cat has a chip, the owner needs to be contacted. We have a 72 hour wait time once the owner is contacted before we can start the intake process.
Our process begins with you filling out the Intake form. One form is required per adult cat or per litter of kittens. We will call you within 24 hours of receipt to discuss the intake with you. We often have a waiting list, so you may have to wait a week or more before we can make any firm arrangements with you.
Once you reach the top of our waiting list, our intake process takes approx 2-7 days, depending on when we can schedule an appointment with you to evaluate the cat/kitten. Our appointments are typically held in the afternoon at the Spay and Neuter, 3475 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas. Days of the week vary.
Once we schedule an appointment, we can reschedule if we have at least 24-hours notice. We are unable to reschedule or accept animals from no-shows or anyone who is late. We will email you an Owner Surrender form that you will fill out and bring with you to your appointment along with the feline’s vet records, if applicable. You will also be asked to forward pictures of the cat, and a short bio prior to your meeting, to allow us to expedite putting the cat on the website.
At the appointment, the cat will be evaluated for temperament. We cannot accept feral cats or cats that are aggressive or fearful of humans. If the cat passes the temperament test, the cat will then undergo a FIV/FeLV test, unless you have results of such a test performed recently. Unfortunately, we cannot accept cats that test positive for either disease. Cats that pass will be then be accepted into the rescue.
Cats will then receive shots, microchip and scheduled for spay/neuter, if required. If we accept the cat, and it is already spayed/neutered, you will be required to immediately bring the cat to an assigned Petsmart condo location (SW, NE or Central). Donations are encouraged and appreciated to help offset costs.
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